A recent NPR article highlights the need for scientists to more closely examine brain injuries and concussions in females. The article points out, that until recently, the majority of studies of traumatic brain injuries have been conducted on males, even the laboratory tests have been primarily on male mice.
Thankfully, this is starting to change. The National Institutes of Health recently mandated that experiments include both male and female mice. Males and females brains respond to trauma in different ways, so their is both reason and need to study both sexes. For example, a study from 2017 found that female college athletes are more likely to get concussions than their male counterparts.

A psychiatric disorder that develops in a significant minority of subjects exposed to serious and life threatening events.

Among the most disabling of medical conditions, affecting about 1.5 million individuals every year.

Chronic pain is a multidimensional experience with biological, psychological and social components.