The professional psychiatrist may be asked to assume the role of a forensic expert witness. The expert witness must be competent in the areas in which they intend to testify or offer evidence. Dr. Nair’s specialty and subspecialties, along with his knowledge of current information and techniques, are more than sufficient to substantiate findings within the myriad of judicial proceedings. He will provide an all-encompassing analysis, within his realms of expertise, to be the litigation immune system for your case.
Furthermore, in the ever-changing environment that is TBI, psychological trauma, and chronic pain; an expert requires constant consideration to all factors that have the slightest bit of relevance or crossover, must determine outliers not commonly noticed, and continually adapt to the ‘pattern of life’ proceedings take on in order to provide substantial medical evidence to defend your case. After all, an intricate and detailed report or testimony will only work in your favor.

Likewise, in all court proceedings there is a story. The case will start out with a claim and then begins to take on a life of its own. In certain instances, when a claim is made people tend to have a point-forward mindset that can leave out a variety of details which may be extremely important to making an expert opinion. Dr. Nair is methodical in his approach knowing that in each case there is a past, present, and future.
Additionally, he also takes into account the physical and psychological conditions that stem from injuries and the linked conditions that may present themselves outright or may surface as “hidden” injuries.
For instance, consider a minor car accident and the outcomes that may follow. The obvious treatment may be to treat for broken bones, cuts, and lacerations. In reality you may also be dealing with myofascial injuries (whiplash) or a mild form of TBI (concussion). Equally important, you may also be dealing with past conditions exacerbated by the injuries stemming from the accident, nerve damage, repercussions from medicines administered or prescribed (i.e. addiction), improper rehabilitation and/or treatment (i.e. for chronic pain), psychological conditions prior to the accident or stemming from the accident, genetic predispositions, chemical imbalances in the brain, onset of autoimmune disorders, and the list may go on.
Bottom line, providing an unbiased opinion will ultimately make or break your case. In all fairness, Dr. Nair can only work with what is provided to him. Dr. Nair will submit an independent work product uninfluenced by the exigencies of litigation. He will meet the demands of competence and rigorous impartiality. Your case will be treated with the utmost importance because Dr. Nair’s reputation relies on the quality of services rendered. Please contact our office as our consultations are free. Thank you.

A psychiatric disorder that develops in a significant minority of subjects exposed to serious and life threatening events.

Among the most disabling of medical conditions, affecting about 1.5 million individuals every year.

Chronic pain is a multidimensional experience with biological, psychological and social components.